Day hospital UZ Leuven

Fitting out the day surgery hospital and outpatient centre at UZ Leuven

UZ Leuven and KU Leuven have made further advances in the development of their Gasthuisberg Health Sciences campus, where their long-term aim is to centralise the acute medical care services. In recent years and months, day surgery hospital A and the outpatient area have been extended. SPIE Belgium Building Systems was pleased to play a significant role in this.

SPIE fitted out the operating suites and the post-surgical recovery and care units for day surgery hospital A , where patients recover after surgery. We installed the integrated alarm and control panels and connected the patient information and communication system (PICS). We also handled the entire electrical installation, USP systems included, to ensure no loss of power for critical applications, and we fitted the isolation control system, which monitors constantly for fault currents. Finally, SPIE fitted the music distribution system and the cabling for the interactive screens and access control system.     

SPIE also worked on phase V of the Gasthuisberg campus master plan. This comprised a new outpatient centre in preparation for the extensive renovations to the existing consultation block. Among other things, we fitted a transformer and handled the general electrical work.

SPIE Belgium Building Systems is proud to have completed these projects on time and within budget. We also carried out the work with respect for the needs of the specific environment. It was important to keep any disruption of the medical care provided in the site's other buildings to a minimum.


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