SELV installations of the Brussels metro

Client Bruxelles Mobilité / STIB [Brussels Transport]
Place Brussels-Capital
Duration 36 months


SPIE Belgium won the invitation to tender of Brussels Mobility to renew and extend what are known as the “Safety Extra Low Voltage” (SELV) of the Brussels metro and pre-metro of the STIB (Brussels Transport).

The upgrading operations are as varied as they are numerous. They include in particular the installation of video surveillance systems, radio telecommunication (Astrid and TETRA networks), telephony, the replacement of optical fibre cables, data storage and management (datacentre), message broadcasting system in stations, access control, time transmission, and the refurbishment and securing of technical premises.
Multi-technical expertise 
This multi-requirement worksite mobilized several areas of expertise, without having to resort to outsourcing:  40 SPIE employees are working on the project during the day, and another 15 at night.

The entire STIB network, i.e. all the stations, tunnels, certain depots and the new STIB control centre (Belgolaise) of the metro, is concerned by the upgrade and expansion  of safety extra low voltage installations.

SELV designates an autonomous power supply method (thanks to a generator, a battery and a transformer) characterized by double safety insulation and voltage below 50 V AC (120 V DC). Its operation is naturally governed by many safety rules.

In addition to quality service, the technical expertise of SPIE in energy and communications proved once again decisive in this partnership, renewed for the fourth time with Bruxelles Mobilité, a client for 10 years. 

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